Beyond Speciesism

Written by Flavia Ursino Coleman and Friends.

Beyond Speciesism

“Spirituality equals non-selective compassion”

Excerpts from the book
Written by: Flavia Ursino Coleman

>> Born To Be Wild

Wild animals born to be free
Building their nests high up in trees
Flying over and dwelling in seas
They do not belong in captivity

Free as a bird
Written by: Flavia Ursino Coleman

Pretty Bird <<

Oh pretty bird, how sweet you sound
Perched inside your metal surround
The wild as your home, you’ll never claim
But it matters not, having learned your name
You need not forage for days on end
And know not predators from which to defend
Your wings clipped so you’ll stay by my side
Warm and dry you’ll live inside
Oh pretty bird I must scurry away
We’ll talk some more some other day

How we treat the voiceless speaks loudest to who we are

Do you feel the burden of knowing the reality of animal exploitation with friends and family reluctant to watch footage which exposes the cruelty?

This great coffee table read may offer the perfect solution to give non-vegans.

Book of Poetry about Animals by Flavia Coleman