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A Return To The Natural World

It was not so long ago that many of us experienced our lives as joyful bursts of spontaneous energy. Our eyes wide open with curiosity we explored our surroundings with innocent tenderness. When we laughed, we laughed deep from our bellies and it was infectious. When we smiled, we smiled from our hearts, and it was disarming. When we spoke, we spoke with honesty, because truth was all we knew. Our world was held together by delicate threads of trust for life. For it was life herself who had delivered us all here safely from the seed of our conception. We were in harmony with her and the natural world and our world was one of enchantment.

Then one day things began to change. Adult voices aiming to protect us from life’s perils began transmitting signals of anxiety. We noticed that their eyes were wide open, though unlike us, they were watchful for hazards. Their laughter was somehow more reserved than ours and their smiles tapered by caution. We were instructed to tell the truth, yet at the same time bend it to suit others and our surroundings. We were informed that the world was a dangerous place and slowly we lost trust in ourselves, the natural world as all those delicate threads of trust began to disintegrate.

Today as I sit with clients I observe their body language, uneasy and afraid. They have convinced themselves that they are signed up for a rough ride as they grip life with white knuckles. I long to tell them that their world of enchantment still exists, but it’s a different kind of enchantment now with adult responsibility. That is to respond with ability.

From my experience in over thirty years of spiritual counselling I am repeatedly informed by my clients of their single most greatest desire is that of happiness. It is as if they are pleading to re-enter that world of enchantment. A world of deep belly laughter, a world of heart felt smiles, a world of honesty and integrity. A place where they are in harmony with the natural world.

I have come to know that people are intrinsically good and that their true and authentic selves would do no harm to themselves, others or other life forms. They may be motivated, but they are motivated to perform for the world foregoing their talents and their gifts; and as their dreams lie lifeless to the side they frequently suffer burn out.

Yet to whom much is given, much is expected. We are each given the gift of life and with each life gifts are given. It’s a way in which we can each give back to life in her honour. For some it may be the gift of dancing, for organising, for nurturing, for writing, for teaching, for illustrating, and so on. The list is endless or so it seems.

When we surrender with non-resistance our spontaneous energy re-emerges and intuition becomes clear and we become truly inspired. This is a place of easy delivery and joyous living. It is here that we begin to express ourselves through our health, vitality and the abundance of joyous giving for these are our birth rights.

Yes she has delivered each of us here safely and all life is sacred. We inhabit this earth with countless others and in countless other life forms. When she calls our name and whispers our mission we are reminded that we are truly blessed.

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