Ego to Eco
Mind, body and soul, a heading
frequently captioned in wellbeing
magazines, newspapers and electronic
media are discussed on a daily basis.
Millions each year flock in reverence to
the church as they march their souls
towards eternal life. Impressive line-ups
of spiritual gurus and psychic mediums
who demonstrate impressive abilities to
communicate with the deceased grace
the screens – such as Oprah and Dr Phil.
Arenas are regularly packed to capacity
with devotees of the enlightened, such
as Caroline Myss and Deepak Chopra,
their attendees showing up to quench
their souls.
There is a consensus between many
people that our existence transcends
physical time/space. There are
many who, in spite of their claims of
non-belief in life beyond, spontane-
ously drop into prayer in moments of
peril or terminal illness.
In our novel, Monkey Business: A Story
of Soulmates and Primates, co-written
by myself and my husband, retired
doctor Kevin Coleman, we give a playful
account of how human beings are both
physical and abstract as we explore
the nature of reality and illusion. Our
analogy of time is that of an Olympic
pool: though we may swim the length
of the pool, the body of water itself is
not linear.
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